The Freshdesk Fresh Leap Offer

Get a 29% discount on every new Freshdesk plan, every agent today

It’s the Leap Day. If Pope Gregory were supporting customers, instead of making calendars, we’d have one hell of an SLA policy to take care of. What with an unaccounted for 6 hour violations every year and a weird leap once every 4 years…In hindsight, if Gregory really did want to support customers, I guess he would have put in better business hours and mapped the leap year to an official holiday in Freshdesk’s SLA policy!The good part is- every body loves the pesky little day that creeps up on us. In fact, we love it enough to give you a pretty awesome deal today: a FLAT 29% Off on every new Freshdesk plan you buy today

Yup, that’s right. Every new plan or agent you buy with Freshdesk today gets you a whooping 29% discount.

So what are you waiting for? Just shoot us a mail to “support[at]freshdesk[dot]com“, and refresh your customer support at 29% less!

Even Gregory would have taken the big leap for this one!