April App Updates: Voice Search, Agent Ticket Summary and more…

As Freshdesk HQ gears up to celebrate High Five day in style, we thought we’d spread some of the cheer by,

a) giving you a high five (thanks for being so awesome!) and

b) letting you know what’s been cooking in our kitchen for the last few months or so.

The updates listed below are all Android updates (you can download the app here), but these updates that will eventually be shipped over to the iOS app as well.

Support for iOS7

Just before we walk you through what’s new, here’s an important note. We’ll be discontinuing support for the app in three months for devices running on iOS 7 or lower. As the Freshdesk app becomes more powerful, older versions of the operating system may not be able to fully support the features that we currently have, and want to introduce. We regret the inconvenience caused, and advise you to upgrade to fully enjoy the new and upcoming features.

Voice search in Freshdesk for Android

What’s the point of life if you can’t make Google do your every bidding?

Send a Whatsapp message. Check.

Show us the nearest restaurant on the map. Check.

Track weather, traffic and flight statuses. Check, check and check.

Search for tickets about refunds on Freshdesk… wait, what?

That’s right! With the latest update, you can now pull up tickets, solution articles and contact related information from Freshdesk with just the power of your voice. This solution article tells all.

Agent level summary

Previously, if you were to toddle over to the slideout menu in the Freshdesk app, you’d be able to see a quick summary of tickets – the number of open, on hold, due today and overdue tickets. The only problem? That wasn’t the quick summary of tickets on your plate – that’s the helpdesk’s ticket summary.

Freshdesk Android App: Agent Ticket Summary

So, when you asked us for a easier way to check out what’s on your plate every morning, we decided the best way for you to be able to do so was by changing the ticket summary so that it showed the summary of tickets on your plate and not the helpdesk’s.

Of course, we also left a little toggle in the Settings tab so that you can go change this back anytime you like if the switch doesn’t work for you.

Traffic cop

You know what’s embarrassing? Another agent replying to the customer just as you do. In your hurry to clear the ticket queue, the two of you didn’t realize that someone else was working on it as well. Worse, they’re conflicting replies. What a pickle to be in.

We understand the confusion and embarrassment that not being up to date can cause; that’s why we’ve made sure that this update of the app is shipped with Traffic Cop, which is already available on the web version of Freshdesk.

Freshdesk - Traffic Cop

If you’re writing a reply to a ticket and there’s a reply or a public note from one of your colleagues, Traffic Cop will make sure you know by triggering an alert on your screen.

Some of the other updates include:

  • The ability to view the ticket requester’s name right on the ticket list screen.
  • The ability to choose your own notification tone for alerts related to tickets from amongst the many mellow ones Android offers.
  • The ability to respond to third party replies inside tickets, when you forward a ticket to them, as part of the same conversation thread.

And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. The update also features a number of bug fixes and improvements across tickets, phone calls and other features.

The best part?

It should be arriving any moment now on your phone; you can choose to wait for it or open up the Play Store to manually download the update. Make sure to drop us a review in the Play Store, if you like the updates!